Sunday, June 06, 2004



After Miss Kitty presented us with six precious black kittens and we had prevailed on all our friends, we found a home for one kitten, Midnight. That’s the name my friend Betsy gave her when she adopted one of the kittens. Betsy already had two beautiful spoiled grown felines who, while not littermates, were definitely soulmates.

Three days after Betsy took Midnight home with her she called me. “Gwendie, I’m afraid the kitten isn’t working out.”

“Oh?” I said, with visions of a wild kitten climbing the plastic bathroom shower curtain, or leaving little puddles on the kitchen counter. “She’s precious”, Betsy said. “She sits in my lap and she tries to read the paper with me and she uses her litterbox.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“It’s Princess and Duchess. I haven’t even SEEN them since I brought Midnight in the house. I finally discovered that they’ve crawled into the bedsprings—they somehow clawed through the bottom cover—but they won’t come out. They haven’t eaten or anything.”

So I made the trip to Betsy’s house and she handed precious, cute Midnight over to me in the front doorway. As we stood there talking for a few moments before I left with Midnight, I saw, over Betsy’s shoulder, Princess and Duchess, the two huge cats, regally marching down the hallway from the bedroom to the kitchen, heading for their food bowls.

They had won.


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