Energy escaping like the psssst of the air from a balloon……
Energy escaping like the psssst of the air from a balloon……that’s the story of my morning walk. I set off briskly, well, OK, at least it’s a regular rhythm. Within a few feet I’m breathing hard, and a few feet later I stop for a moment, allowing energy to build back up in my body. It’s so frustrating, especially if other walkers are out and about, treading so confidently and energetically. I feel like a snail amongst sand crabs—completely out of my league. But hey, at least I’m out in fresh air, right? And the view, for me, is probably better than for those who can rush along, attending mostly to the road ahead, and not what is at the sides of the road. The trees budding out, the vines bursting into bloom, the spring green tendrils of plant growth everywhere. And the mama cows and their babies, and the shy horses across the way, and the bunny that slips across the road, low to the ground, and the sound of a lone gobbler, perhaps in search of a mate, The constant flights of birds, moving from tree to tree, branch to branch, calling and calling. Maybe that’s my reward for being so slow. The old saying is to “stop and smell the roses”, but maybe you can get the same effect by creeping along like I do these days.
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