Dubai Medical College for Girls
Dubai Medical College for Girls
Dubai Medical College for Girls. Not “for Women.” For “Girls.” Right away I had at least a microchip on my shoulder, even though when asked I had immediately agreed to visit the place as part of an accreditation team.
The mission of the College, according to the Founder, His Excellency Sheik Saeed something something something Lootah, is to prepare girls to be physicians for the country, especially for the females of the country and at the same time to prepare them for their important role as nurturers of the next generation, all the while preserving and promoting Islamic and Arabic culture. Thus their requirement for head and arm and leg covering and the restrictions on leaving the campus without a proper chaperone, amongst other things.
Well, OK. It was shades of being a college freshman in the late ‘50’s when we couldn’t wear pants on campus and had to be in by eleven, except on weekends, and had to sign out to go home and no boys in the bedrooms. But this is almost 50 years later, and by now in this country we’ve had Roe v. Wade, and birth control pills, and women moving into male occupations, and very nearly an Equal Rights Amendment.
But, you know, when I got there and I met the Dubai Medical College girls, I backed off my high horse, at least a little bit.
For one thing, they ARE girls. They aren’t yet women, or even young women. Although I did meet female physicians who were graduates of the College and who were very capable, articulate, and confident, so somehow, somewhere, they do grow up.
But these medical students were GIRLS. Giggly girls, Sweet girls. Innocent girls. Full of enthusiasm and sincerity and wide-eyed gaity. About like 10 year olds in our culture, before American girls have become Brittany Speared, tattoed, pierced, and made up like madams.
And you know something else? I think they should keep the name Dubai Medical College for Girls. It’s a perfect description.
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