Monday, March 29, 2010

Peggy’s Prompt----what used to fit

Peggy’s Prompt----what used to fit-----10 min

What used to fit in the trunk of a sedan…
In one shopping bag—paper
In my wallet/purse
Me, until I gained weight
Easily into an overnight bag
The baby, just two weeks ago
Into a deep corner of my mind
In my pocket
Into one car driven by a teenage has, sadly, been downsized by the regulations about seatbelts. No longer, or at least seldom, do teenage kids delight in cramming all their buddies into a VW bug or Ford Fairlane on a Saturday evening and driving up and down the one main street of downtown, and then perhaps past the darkened high school, and then, as in the case of my town, to the beach to see who was “parking”, ie, couples “making out” in their cars while pretending to watch the waves roll in. Dangerous as it may have been, in terms of being thrown out of the car in the case of an accident, it was also safe, as in safety in numbers. With 6 or 7 kids in the car, seldom was the driver allowed to speed (much), or to drive while or after drinking, or to play “chicken” with another car, or drag race, or do much of anything dangerous, other than the no seat belts, of course. Them were the good ol’ days.


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