Peggy’s Prompt—021711—peeking out—10 minutes
Peggy’s Prompt—021711—peeking out—10 minutes
One of my small, but frequent pleasures is seeing one of my kitties peeking out from underneath a bed, or from behind a doorway, or down from a shelf, or through the slats of the plantation blinds. Often when I drive up in the driveway, I’ll spy Mr. Lucky jumping up on the chest by the front window to peek out through the blinds, assuring himself that it’s I who is arriving, and not some dangerous stranger that he’d be obliged to run under the bed for.
Sid’s favorite peeking out posture is from up high over the refrigerator, where there’s a cut-out in the partition beside the fridge that he can poke his head through. He’s been known to have caused me (and others) long searches through the house, looking under and behind pieces of furniture, when all along he was in plain sight, or at least his head was, peeking out from his high perch. Normally he meows a lot, but not when you are looking for him. Oh, no.
Eartha’s favorite place from which to peek out is not a place where she’s actually hidden, but instead is when it’s dark and her black fur disappears into whatever she’s lying on. Then only if she raises her head and opens her yellow eyes wide do you see her peeking at you, wondering what all the fuss is about.
Eartha doesn’t rattle easily, whereas Mr. Lucky is spooked by a gust of wind, and Sid is always two or three beats behind both of them. So when you are looking for a missing kitty, and calling and calling, Mr. Lucky usually appears within a few minutes, Eartha takes longer, and Sid never responds at all, unless he gets hungry or feels the subtle need to investigate the litter box.
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