Sailboat for Sale or Rent
Sailboat for Sale or Rent
FOR SALE OR RENT. Inquire within.
The sign on the sailboat caught his eye immediately. He’d wanted a live-aboard sailboat for years, but the salary from his city editor job would never support the gaping financial mouth at the front end of every sailboat, no matter its size. But since Edie had announced for the last and apparently final time that she couldn’t take it or him one more day, he’d been sleeping on the couch at his brother’s house.
Two weeks in a house with an older, responsible, successful brother and his ambitious, anorexic wife with their two perfectly awful children plus the slobbery dog, the hissy-fit cat, and the gerbil that ran in his squeaky wheel all night in the next room—and Dan was desperate.
Owning a sailboat was out of the question. But renting. Now there was an idea. A damn good idea. A boat, a place to live, and a great pick-up line. Want to come aboard?
Life was definitely looking up.